Our Story
why milky love exists...
Hey there, mama! I am so glad you found us.
Welcome to Milky Love – a nurturing haven inspired by our founder's personal breastfeeding journey, professional lactation experience and unwavering belief in the power of breastmilk.
Our founder, Staci, is a mom to two boys, a former labor and delivery nurse, and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Less than a decade ago, she found herself (maybe similar to you)...knowing the benefits of breastfeeding, deeply desiring to successfully breastfeed, yet terrified that it may not work out. She had practically every risk factor or red flag you could name when it came to potential breastfeeding challenges. Staci's breastfeeding experience, both personally and professionally as an RN and IBCLC, has gifted her a unique perspective that brick by brick led her to birth this brand, Milky Love. After I successfully and exclusively breastfed my two sons despite my many risk factors, I began to reflect on my journey and knew that the decision to express and collect colostrum during the last few weeks of pregnancy so that I had that available at birth was a pivotal decision. I can vividly remember my husband syringe feeding my sons colostrum to raise their blood sugars while I was "insurance pumping" due to my PCOS diagnosis. Over the years, my heart continued to be nudged time and time again to share my story and to make prenatal colostrum collection known about as an option by mamas just like YOU. My sincere hope is to bless you with tools in your toolkit and to provide education and empowerment that allows you to proactively participate in your own breastfeeding story.
Having a plan in place for the unknowns that could occur is always a good idea and I am here to help you do just that, mama.
The fact that you are here says a lot about you. XOXO

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